In the heart of Benin, upon the tranquil waters of Lake Nokoué, exists a unique community known as Ganvie. This charming village, built entirely on stilts and surrounded by the gentle lapping of waves, becomes alive with vibrant colors and joyous spirits during its annual Vodou Festival. A celebrati
Continuing north this early morning we head to the city of Sokode, located between the waters from the Mo and Mono Rivers. Multi-ethnic and multi-religious, the city lies in the guts of agricultural farmland and delivers a chance to take pleasure in the loaded variety of rural lifestyle.
just after
Explore the heart and soul of West Africa with Evans Travel & Tours, your trusted companion in experiencing the rich culture, history, and landscapes of Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, and Côte d'Ivoire. We specialize in delivering personalized and immersive tours that take you beyond the usual tourist
Benin, a small West African country rich in history and culture, is the birthplace of Voodoo, a religion that has shaped the identity of the region for centuries. Every January, the country comes alive with the Voodoo Festival, a vibrant celebration that draws travelers from around the world. If you